
Colorectal Cancer Prevention

  • Colon cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer death in women and the third most frequent cause of cancer death in men in Germany. This is due, among other things, to colorectal cancer only presenting symptoms in a very advanced stage of the disease, with the diagnosis only being made at this point. We know that the number of new cases doubles after the age of 50.
  • This is why preventative colon cancer colonoscopy screenings were introduced, which makes it possible to detect and treat colorectal cancer in the early and still treatable stages.Polyps, which represent the initially harmless preliminary stages of cancer, can also be detected and removed during a colonoscopy. As a result, colonoscopy is the most effective and safest method for preventing, recognising and – to some extent – treating colorectal cancer.
  • You are entitled to a preventive colon cancer colonoscopy screening once you turn 55 provided that you have statutory health insurance. Holders of statutory health insurance can thus go directly to a specialist without a referral and do not have to pay the consultation fee. Holders of private health insurance can also usually be reimbursed for the costs of a preventive colonoscopy screening.
  • Preventive colonoscopy screenings were introduced in 2002. Statistical evaluations have shown that intestinal polyps were detected in almost 30% of all examinations and could generally be removed immediately. Colon cancer was present in 0.7% of all examinations, which meant at an early, treatable stage of the disease for 70%!


  • If you have a first-degree family member who is suffering from colorectal cancer, then you should get a colonoscopy at the latest 10 years before the age at which your relative got sick.
  • If different cancers have occurred in your family, it is urgently recommended that you consult with a specialist to clarify which preventive medical examinations are necessary as well as how often to get them in order to give you the greatest possible security.